A selection of photos from the conference can be found on our flickr (more coming soon!). You can also download a copy of our full programme complete with abstracts.
Sandeep Mahal (Director, Nottingham UNESCO City of Literature) - Love Literacy, Love Libraries (watch online)
Ruth Carlyle (Head of Library & Knowledge Services and Technology Enhanced Learning for the Midlands and the East of England) - Health literacy: information literacy for life (watch online)
Allison Littlejohn (Dean (Learning & Teaching) of the College of Social Sciences, University of Glasgow) - [Un]intended consequences of educational change: The need to focus on literacy development (watch online)
Cambridge Information Literacy Network (2019) Snippets from our LILAC diaries [Online]. Available at: https://camiln.org/2019/05/03/snippets-from-our-lilac-diaries/ (accessed: 7 May 2019).
Grigsby, K. (2019) LILAC 2019 – ‘Visual literacy and the expression-idea continuum’ [Online]. Available at: http://idl.group.shef.ac.uk/2019/04/26/lilac-2019-visual-literacy-and-the-expression-idea-continuum/ (accessed: 7 May 2019).
Hutchinson, E. (2019) LILAC 2019: The Information Literacy Conference for librarians [Online]. Available at: https://www.elizabethahutchinson.com/blog/lilac-2019-the-information-literacy-conference-for-librarians (accessed: 7 May 2019).
Mason, L. (2019) LILAC 2019 Conference part 1… in which ourhero encounters a famous author, a purple notebook, and an inspirational keynote speaker [Online]. Available at: https://geh.wordpress.ptfs-europe.co.uk/2019/04/24/lilac-2019-conference-part-1-in-which-our-hero-encounters-a-famous-author-a-purple-notebook-and-an-inspirational-keynote-speaker/ (accessed: 3 May 2019).
Mason, L. (2019) Lilac conference day 2- only slightly late! [Online]. Available at: https://geh.wordpress.ptfs-europe.co.uk/2019/04/26/lilac-conference-day-2-only-slightly-late/ (accessed: 3 May 2019).
Mason, L. (2019) Clinical Librarian post- I’ve got the lavenders [Online]. Available at: https://geh.wordpress.ptfs-europe.co.uk/2019/05/02/clinical-librarian-post-ive-got-the-lavenders/ (accessed: 3 May 2019).
McKinney, P. (2019) [Un]intended consequences of educational change: The need to focus on literacy development #lilac19 [Online]. Available at: http://information-literacy.blogspot.com/2019/04/unintended-consequences-of-educational.html?m=0 (accessed: 7 May 2019).
McKinney, P. & Webber, S. (2019) Information Literacy Weblog (#lilac19 blog posts) [Online]. Available at: http://information-literacy.blogspot.com/search/label/lilac19?m=0 (accessed: 7 May 2019).
Sobel, K. (2019) Conferences & the environment: high five to LILAC! [Online]. Available at: https://karensobel.co/2019/04/30/conferences-the-environment-high-five-to-lilac/ (accessed: 7 May 2019).
thelibrarianerrant (2019) Speaking and listening: 2019 LILAC conference [Online]. Available at: https://thelibrarianerrant.wordpress.com/2019/04/30/speaking-and-listening-2019-lilac-conference/ (accessed: 7 May 2019).
Webber, S. (2019) Health literacy: information literacy for life #lilac19 [Online]. Available at: http://information-literacy.blogspot.com/2019/04/health-literacy-information-literacy.html?m=0 (accessed: 7 May 2019).
Andreassen, H., Jetten, M., Låg, T., van der Meer, H. & Schoutsen, M. Can research data improve how we live, learn and act? The use of open data in teaching and the role of the library.
Asher, D. & Karshmer, E. Creating and branding meaningful information literacy instruction: tools for developing innovative learning experiences using the ACRL framework.
Ball, C. & White, J. Wiki Literacy: using Wikipedia as a teaching tool.
Barker, E. & Phillips, V. Learning how to teach unfamiliar subjects: a case study of the academic writing courses at the University of Cambridge Medical Library.
Baume, D., Secker, J. & Woolfenden, K. Collaborating in the development and integration of information and other learning literacies.
Binsfeld, A. New barristers' information literacy during their transition from education to the workplace.
Bird, N. Transitions in information literacy: understanding the role of dispositions.
Brookbank, E. Not required reading: leisure reading as an information literacy, student well-being, and social justice issue for academic libraries.
Brookbank, E., Hon, Y., Flynn, D., McCluskey Dean, C. & Lacey, S. This could get messy: critical library pedagogy in practice.
Burnett, E. & White, R. Defining moment: how we are using the new CILIP definition of information literacy to engage with academics and students.
Cooper, T. & McKay, A. Uncharted territory: supporting a pilot programme of trainee nursing associates.
Corrall, S. The wicked problem of data literacy: a call for action.
Corrall. S., Delaney, M. & Cleary, A. Librarians as teachers: reframing our professional development.
Courage, K. & Matthews, C. Peer to peer videos, to support student research.
Coveney, C., Mears, W., Kassem, H. & Kontou, V. Here's one you made earlier? Reframing digital literacies in the language of students and employers.
Cox, K. & Whittard, K. Navigating the future: how information literacy can enable and encourage young people on their quest for success.
DaCosta, J. & Varela, M. The never-ending journey: improving student support and understanding.
Dalton, S. & Andre, D. Reinvigorating our information literacy support for researchers: raising your profile, disseminating your research and more.
Devine, K. "You get out what you put in": how students perceive their "learner journeys" at the University of Worcester.
Divall, P., Reid, C. & Glover, S. A journal club or mad hatter's tea party?
Driesens, J. Facing a thousand faces: making large classroom education work.
Eriksson, M-L, Borg, L. All inclusive – creating a web course in Academic Information Literacy and its effects on library teaching.
Evans, L. & Sobel, K. When the library one-shot goes online: what to let go, what to keep, what to build.
Faure, G. & Arnal, F. Content curation for information literacy of college and university students: from blended-learning to self-learning.
Flynn, D., Collins, B. & Clarke, S. "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this"; Developing a role-playing video game for library induction.
Glasse, H. 'Escaping' the library induction: a game based learning approach to developing students' library skills.
Grant, V., Mallalieu, R. & Haworth, A. Visual literacy and the expression-idea continuum.
Grey, S. & Lacey, T. I wouldn't believe your radio: developing tools to critically appraise atypical materials and improve information and visualization literacy.
Grundy, D. & Prescott, G. From leaping to flying: LEAP Online 12 months on.
Hamlett, A. Getting to work: information literacy instruction, career courses, and digitally proficient students.
Hammel, N. A, B, C and 1, 3, 5: Activities to engage students in the library classroom.
Hickman, H. 'I f**k up too’: imposter syndrome, new professional identity and destabilising your position of authority with intent.
Houtman, E. How do academic librarians' identity and experiences shape their teaching practices? A qualitative study.
Hutchinson, E. School librarian and teacher collaboration: finding the hook to engage teachers with information literacy and talk yourself into the classroom.
Jones, J. & Bennett, A. Exploring the 'how and the now' of online learning for PGT students.
Kassem, H. & Durham, F. "Is there anybody there?” Designing effective and engaging live online information literacy teaching.
Kahout-Tailor, J. Using feminist pedagogy to transform information literacy instruction.
Koltay, T. & Dobreva, M. R2DaLT: thoughts about teaching data literacy.
Lloyd, A., Inskip, C. & Hicks, A. Communicating curiosity: developing a clear and manageable information literacy research question.
Long, J. & Hicks, J. Fake news for the masses: evaluating news sources through active learning.
Martzoukou, K. Digital competencies for digital citizenship of pre-teen children: some reflections for librarians.
McAndrew, E. & Highton, M. Embedding Wikipedia in the curriculum.
McCluskey Dean, C. & Martzoukou, K. Identifying and facilitating a community of practice in information literacy: collaborative learning at a university.
McKinney, P., Hicks, A., Martzoukou, K. & Secker J. Information literacy in everyday life: the role of information literacy practitioners, researchers and the Information Literacy Group.
Moes, S., Valkenberg, S. & van de Blaak, R. Collaboration of library and students: increasing outreach of the student thesis.
Morris, D. & Tolland, A. Learning diaries: engaging students as partners in online learning design.
Nijhoff, C. Teacher as facilitator: how becoming a trained coach has impacted my teaching practice.
Omar, D. Seizing the gift horse: working across the university on information literacy.
Panes, M. Expanding literacy from IL to copyright, data & coding literacy.
Panes, M., Reichler, F., Cobolet, N., Grolimund, R. & Salamin, C. Making a game relatable: blending instructions and real-world concepts.
Perera, S., Hartiss, R. & Sinclair, A. From strategy to reality; the nuts and bolts of embedding a skills framework within the curriculum.
Perera, S., Peppard, C. & Sinclair, A. Transition to university; information literacy skills through gamification and peer-learning.
Perris, K. Reverse engineering information literacy: using a flipped classroom model.
Pichel, J. Get fit for the ACRL framework.
Pitts, J., Mallon, M. & Upson, M. Critical thinking for complex times: how the New Literacies Alliance leverages inter-institutional expertise to teach literacies online.
Phillips, K. Boutique-librarianship for the non-traditional, working, distance student: a love story.
Phillips, K., Roles, E. & Thomas, S. I'm not calling you a liar, but don't lie to me: getting personal with source evaluation.
Phillips, V. Engaging the reluctant: barriers and facilitators to student participation in academic library information literacy training.
Rohweder, M. Willing to fail: using failure to motivate change in teaching library instruction sessions.
Saleh, N. & Laverty, C. Approaches towards developing a community of practice to support information literacy teaching and learning in your library.
Sales, N. & Pearson, A. Supporting students transitioning to higher education studies: UniSkills at the University of Salford.
Schmillen, H., Saines, S., Wochna, L. & Intrator, M. Learning to teach, teaching to learn: a librarian community of practice cultivates a microteaching program.
Schoutsen, M. & van Putten, S. Libraries and privacy: the birth of an online course.
Secker, J., Morrison, C., Sewell, C., Wyber, S. & Taylor, S. Information literacy and Open Access: two movements - one aim?
Smith, L. & Archer, A. Stepping into the unknown: teaching information literacy skills through blended learning.
Sobel, K. & Evans, L. Getting wicked in the classroom: incorporating complex, real-world skills into library instruction.
Stiller, J. & Trkulja. V. Shaping information literacy education for the empowerment of refugees.
Taylor, D. & Clark, S. Holistic scaffolding and the pedagogy of charity.
Tilley, E. & Reid, C. Frameworks, pathways and relationships: bringing about change in a complex organisation.
Toerien, D & Harrow, D. Information literacy: necessary but not sufficient for 21st century learning.
Toft, S. Providing critical appraisal training to a haemodialysis patient involved in a systematic review.
Turner, K. & Morris, L. Peer-reviewed library teaching: reflections, background and practicalities.
Velasco, M., Salamin, C. & Cobolet, N. How to integrate high skills in copyright instruction at University.
Walsh, A. & Reynolds, C. Flying into the library: how the library fitted into a student retention project.
Webber, S. & McKinney, P. What's my approach? Deciding on the approach to use for your research.
Woods, L. Seizing the opportunity: creating a library module on the university's new virtual learning system.
Workman, L., Phillips, D., Burnett, E. & Leurs, G. Making them an offer they can't refuse: using informal networks to enhance IL offering for PhD students.
Yearwood-Jackman, S. Looking at inclusivity through the lens of race: towards an approach to critically reflect on teaching practice for teachers of information literacy.
LILAC is great opportunity for our fellow professionals to present their ideas, share best practice and show case new thinking in our sector. If you have an idea then we'd love to hear about it. We have many options for the types of sessions you might run from a symposium to a workshop. Visit our Call for Presentations page to find out how to apply.
Places at this year's conference are likely to be in demand more than ever before. Each year our conference grows increasingly popular and this year promises to be no different. Don't miss out and book your place now for this year's conference.
We look forward to seeing you there!