Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025

  • Manchester Town Hall

LILAC 2007

LILAC 2007 was hosted by Manchester Metropolitan University, and took place on 26th-28th March 2007.

 On this page you will find details of:

A selection of photos from the conference can be found on our flickr.

Keynote speakers:

Ross Todd (Director of Research, Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries (CISSL), School of Communication, Information and Library Studies (SCILS), Rutgers). If information literacy is the solution, what is the problem? If information literacy is the problem, what is the solution?

Sir J. A. Muir Gray (Programme Director of the UK National Screening Programme and Director of Clinical Knowledge, Process and Safety for the National Programme for IT, Institute of Health Sciences) Clean clear knowledge can transform the health problems of the 21st century, just as clean clear water transformed the health problems of the 19th century.  

Christine Bruce (Associate Professor and Assistant Dean, Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Information Technology, Queensland University of Technology). Information literacy models: from experience to practice.

John Dolan O.B.E. (Head of Library Policy, Museums, Libraries and Archives Council). One literacy for all.


The themes for LILAC 2007 were:

  • New areas for practice and research
  • Recognising the need
  • Practical approaches to information literacy
  • Information literacy and citizenship
  • Ethical use of information
  • Advocacy, marketing and promotion


Appleton, L. Springboard - study skills in Further Education.

Bader, H. & Clark, C. Gateways to learning - developing information skills in South East Wales.

Browne, M. & Palmer, C. Engaging students through thoughtful active learning.

Charnock, L. Non-stop change: how do we respond?

Clement, E. Information at the time of need - 10 minute information literacy for engineers (poster).

Cochrane, C. Students' university experience and information literacy.

Collins, S. Collaborating effectively - what do we really need?

Conroy, H. Beyond the library: i-Skills for university administration.

Corrall, S. Benchmarking strategic engagement with information literacy.

Corrall, S., Parker, L. & Dobson, H. Developing information literacy strategies and plans.

Cummings, L.A. Bursting out of the box: outreach to academic programs (poster).

Falconer, J. The Learner Support Programme: an evaluation of its impact on the participants' practice and on future developments of the course.

Franklin, G. & Marshall, T. Peer 2 Peer (poster).

Galvin, J. What is not obvious about 'the need'?

Glass, B. & Kendall, M. Developments in the information literacy learning area of the LearnHigher CETL. Year two - where are we up to?

Godwin, P. From Google Scholar to YouTube: ways to engage the internet generation.

Graham, N. & James, A. Developing RLOs for information literacy: are they practical?

Gullbekk, E. & Tonning, A.S.V. Information literacy education at the Faculty of Psychology - a cumulative discipline-based information literacy programme (poster).

Harrison, R. & Garthwaite, J. Librarians against plagiarism: how Imperial College London Library is using blended learning techniques to combat the cut-and-paste generation.

Heale, S. & Streatfield, D. Project i-Spy:report on a project to support the development of student information skills (i-skills).

Hepworth, M. Information literacy in the workplace: implications for the trainers.

Hunn, R. & Castens, L. A bespoke information literacy tutorial developed at the DCMT Library.

Hunn, R. & Castens, L. Engaging academics in information literacy (poster).

Irving, C. The development of a National Information Literacy Framework (Scotland).

Jackson, A. Are we having fun yet? Developing interactive lectures and presentations.

Jackson, C. Collaboration and sharing in practice: an interactive citation guide for the law community.

Jones, R. Recognising the need for information literacy in schools: practical experiences from school librarians.

Jones, R. & Shields, E. Entertaining education: using interactive whiteboards and voting pods to keep students interested in information literacy.

Lewis, A. Big Bad World: an information literacy computer game.

Martin, L. & McLoughlin, D. Three for the price of one: developing study, elearning and information literacy skills in an online module.

Martindale, C. PLATO - educating students about plagiarism, and citing and referencing information sources.

McKeever, L. Start 'em young - the importance of exploring and deterring plagiarism in schools.

McKinney, P. & Turkington, S. The public presentation of psychology: building information literacy skills in first year undergraduate students in the Department of Psychology.

McNicol, S. Libraries, censorship and young people's rights as citizens.

Morgan, N. Results of a cross-institutional evaluation of the Cardiff Handbook for Information Literacy Teaching.

Myhill, J. Information literacy and the 'cut and paste' generation: avoiding the plagiarism trap.

Newton, A. & Harrison, A. Making the connections: assessment, training, progression and performance.

Nitsos, I. & Malliari, A. An online information literacy program: the case of a Greek academic library.

O'Beirne, R. & Boden, D. The POP-i project.

Parker, J. IL gets social: distance learners venture beyond Google.

Pope, A. Advocating information literacy with the academics.

Price, G. What do we know about learning?

Reedy, K. Getting the message across: targeting distance learners using e-messaging (poster).

Reedy, K. & Jackson, C. Embedding information literacy into the curriculum: how do we know how well we are doing?  

Sidwell, K. Bloody brilliant! Promoting information literacy at Leeds.

Sims, G., Porteous, L. & Widdicombe, K. The 'subject savvy' librarian? Making IL skills relevent at Kingston University.

Tomlinson, J. Motivation and movement: using active teaching methods to teach information literacy skills to FE students.

Torras, M.C. & Skagen, T. Search and Write ('Søk og Skriv'): helping postgraduate students with their academic work.

Turkington, C. & Appleton, L. Information skills in the Northwest.

Walton, G. Using digital video to capture first year students' views of a blended information literacy programme.

Webber, S. & Jonston, B. Reviewing the information literacy literature.

Weetman DaCosta, J. Preaching to the non-converted: the art of promoting information literacy to academic staff.

Worden, A. Referencing@Portsmouth: giving students what they really, really want.

Present @ LILAC

LILAC is great opportunity for our fellow professionals to present their ideas, share best practice and show case new thinking in our sector. If you have an idea then we'd love to hear about it. We have many options for the types of sessions you might run from a symposium to a workshop. Visit our Call for Presentations page to find out how to apply.

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Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025

Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025