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LILAC 2010

LILAC 2010 was hosted by the Limerick Institute of Technology, and took place on 29th-31st March 2010.

 On this page you will find details of:

A selection of photos from the conference can be found on our flickr.

Keynote speakers:

Tony Durcan (Head of Culture, Libraries and Lifelong Learning for Newcastle City Council). "Information is as vital to the healthy functioning of communities as clean air, safe streets, good schools and public health". 

Dr Karen E. Fisher (University of Washington Information School, The Information & Society Center). Lay information mediary behaviour and social information literacy.

Dr Ralph Catts (Senior Research Fellow at The Stirling Institute of Education, University of Stirling). Evaluating the impact of information literacy.


The themes for LILAC 2010 were:

  • Making Connections
  • Developing the IL Practitioner
  • IL and Research
  • Innovative Practice
  • Measuring Impact


Austrheim, G., Kavli, S. & Mikki, S. Search and Write: making the connection through a cross disciplinary approach to information literacy.

Belcher, M. & Farrow, E. Building capacity: lessons learnt from an intensive health information training programme in Vietnam.

Bisset, J. & Brain, S. How was it for you? Evaluating the iSkillZone.

Boden, D. & Arkle, S. Expository online learning versus evidence based interactive online learning: is there really a difference to learning outcomes?

Boland, J. Rejuvenating UDEL (University of Derby Electronic Library) information skills (poster).

Boyle, S. Problem clinics: information literacy triage (pecha kucha).

Boyle, S. Using games to enhance information literacy sessions.

Browning, R. & Jane, S. Creating a new vintage: librarians & archivists teaching together (poster).

Bryant, L. To e or not to e? The use of eBooks on foundation degree courses (poster).

Bury, S. An investigation of the information literacy instruction practices, attitudes and knowledge of university faculty: findings and recommendations based on survey and interview research at York University.

Byrne, U. & Tynan, M. Avoiding plagiarism: a new solution to an old problem.

Catts, R. Embedding IL in a professional doctorate course work.

Cavanagh, J. & Kirby, P. Library Network Support Services (LNSS): developing the IL practitioner through collaboration, sharing, repurposing, reusing and not reinventing the wheel.

Clark, J. & Murphy, H. The librarian as lecturer: experiences on the other side of the fence.

Clark, J., Stokes, D. & Ladisch, M. UCD science blog: 5 years from innovation to mainstream (poster).

Click, A. & Walker, C. Coursework, conferences, and the classroom: on-the-job training for new IL practitioners.

Cohen, S.F., Cottrell, J. & Miller, M.G. Building brick by brick: a pragmatic approach to measuring impact.

Collins, L. & Hilliar, M.A. Tooled up for distance learning (poster).

Cordes, S. Measured steps: an experimental study in multimodal literacy and learning.

Cordes, S. The lingua electric: 21st century literacy in 400 seconds (pecha kucha).

Cormie, V. Increasing the number of doctors in Malawi: challenges and changes affecting the medical library.

Corrall, S. & Sen, B. Learning to plan and planning to learn: an action learning approach to information literacy strategy.

Corrall, S. & Sen, B. Mapping information literacy strategy (poster).

Corrall, S. & Sen, B. Strategy direction and information literacy: plan and improve. Tools to plan and navigate your route to your information literacy destination (pecha kucha).

Crawford, J. Employability and information literacy: a review of a training programme.

Croucher, B., Dozier, M., Littleton, F. & Colledge, D. The IS Cream Van - an Information Services presence in Second Life.

Davies, C. 'Upgrading' our information skills training: new technologies and new relationships.

Downham, G. Research students and IL: the Surrey experience.

Dubicki, E. Information literacy and the business student (poster).

Fielden, N. & Foster, M. Crossing the rubricon: assessing the instructor.

Fielding, G. The information literacy audit at the University of Salford.

Finney, E. & Borg, M. SHU and the library gateway (poster).

Fleming, A., Rawlinson, M. & Ball, H. From framework to curriculum: the adoption of a 'learning literacies' approach at Edge Hill University.

Forsythe, F.M. A sober Scot looks at the Rose.

Geraghty, A., O'Sullivan, I. & Cleary, L. A whole university blended approach to developing academic and information literacies for researchers.

Glass, B. & Griffiths, J. Understanding the information literacy levels of students: results of a three year Online Information Literacy Audit at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Graham, N. Open up and share: finding and re-using information literacy (IL) learning material.

Gravett, K. & Gill, C. Using online video to promote database searching skills: the creation of a virtual tutorial for Health and Social Care students.

Gullbekk, E. Paradigmatic changes? Developing the IL teacher (poster).

Hardy, G. & Long, C. Stepping stones to information literacy: a PebblePad case study.

Harrison, R. So far, yet so close: providing support to researchers in the Web 2.0 environment (poster).

Harviainen, M. Library information literacy in doctoral studies in music and in music research (poster).

Hegarty, N. & Carbery, A. Learning by doing: redesigning the first year information literacy programme at WIT Libraries.

Hegarty, N. & Carbery, A. Learning by doing: redesigning the first year information literacy programme at WIT Libraries (poster).

Hensley, M.K. Critical reflection: strategies fr encouraging your growth as a teacher.

Higgison, M. & Foreman, J. Scottish Government information literacy in the workplace - measuring impact.

Holderied, A.C. Instructional design for the active: employing interactive technologies and active learning exercises to enhance library instruction.

Irving, C. Begin at the beginning - information literacy in primary schools.

Jackson, A. Just enough education to perform: information skills, professionalism and employability.

Jackson, C. An information literacy strategy for Wales: towards a national framework (pecha kucha).

James, C. Going back to university basics: how education is able to benefit from research tools.

Jeffrey, L. Generic versus subject-specific researcher training.

Johnson, R. ILS and RTP: the Research Training Programme delivered by Information and Library Services at the University of Worcester, past, present and future.

Kendlin, V. & Dodd, L. Damned if we do and damned if we don't - how to address sustainability in the delivery of information literacy componants in UCD.

Kenny, C. An evaluation of technologies used for the delivery of online information literacy modules.

Kim, S. What are the post-effects of Japan's National Curriculum standards? Inquiry based learning and elementary school libraries (poster).

Kirk, T. & Packham, C. Changing the catalogue: training the users at the British Library.

Kloda, L. & Brettle, A. How to interpret research on information literacy and library instruction.

Koponen, E. Jyväskylä Libraries make it happen. A common strategy for information services.

Krakowska, M. Overtake the roadrunner: diagnosis of information literacy education and understanding the holistic approach in Poland (poster).

Ladisch, M. Do you need help with Endnote? Software support as a successful service at UCD Library (pecha kucha).

Lake, C. & Lawrence, D. Teaching online using Capitivate, Jing & Echo360: developing best practice in a changing electronic environment.

Lambert, J. IESR: a showcase for health related research collections (poster).

Lepley, D., Kuhn, I. & Hockley, P. Evaluating your training - a pragmatic approach. The East of England experience.

Lilley, K. Impacting a local mental health service as a clinical librarian (poster).

McGuinness, C. Teaching Librarians or librarians who teach? Exploring aspects of teacher identity among academic librarians.

Mears, W. Developing the developers: skills, knowledge and behaviours for the 21st century information literacy practitioner

Meehan, D. Adapting information literacy practice to changing conditions: the example of business postgraduates.

Miller, S.D. & DeJoy, N. Assessing collaboration: the effect of pedagogical alignment and shared learning outcomes for information literacy instruction in first year writing classes.

Morgan, N. & Jones, N. Now showing at your nearest lecture theatre! Bringing IL to life with innovative homemade movies.

O'Brien, T. & Ward, J. The Irish Working Group on Information Literacy 2006-2009 (poster).

O'Keeffe, M. & Cohen, P. An introduction to student centred and active learning for the information literacy practitioner.

Palmer, C. & Canaday, C. Plan and produce the information literacy tutorial @ your library!

Pavey, S. & Todd, S. Innovative approaches to developing practice in school librarianship.

Petch, M., Fraser, K. & Webb, J. Building research student communities: is there a role for library and learning services?

Poulton, A. Fine Art Wiki: reflections on using the read/write web to develop information literacy skills in first year Fine Art students.

Powis, C. & Webb, J. Making a mark: assessment for learning.

Ravagni, C. The web as information source: a qualitative study on the impact of internet search lessons (poster).

Reedy, K. i-know at the OU: information skills for the 21st century workplace (poster).

Reilly, P. 23 Things @UL - navigating learners through Web 2.0 universe (poster).

Repanovici, A. & Landøy, A. The concepts of informational process in collaborative projects.

Rintamäki, K. Jointly arranged reflective information literacy course (pecha kucha).

Rosenblatt, S. They can find it, but they don't know what to do with it: describing the use of scholarly literature by undergraduate students.

Ross, A. & Furno, C. Active learning strategies in the information literacy classroom. Evaluating methods, comparing results and measuring 'real' impact.

Ryan, G. Defining criteria for measuring impact of discipline specific information skills training for PhD students.

Schneider, M. & Pullinger, D. "Who dares to teach must never cease to learn." (John Cotton Dana).

Secker, J., Jones, R., Boden, D. & Stubbings, R. Libraries & learning 2020: can technology save us and is information literacy (once again) making the wrong assumptions: a debate.

Sen, B. Reflection and improving information literacy practice.

Sen, B. & Corrall, S. Establishing critical success factors for information literacy - a methodology (pecha kucha).

Sidwell, K. & Schneider, M. Researching researchers: developing a one-stop-shop for research support.

Stanton, W. & Coombs, J. Interactive learning using Xerte: minding the skills gap.

Streatfield, D. & Shaper, S. Information literacy support in United Kingdom school libraries.

Stubbings, R., Myhill, J. & Bent, M. Developing librarians as teachers to enhance the learner experience

Symonds, E., Kennedy, S. & Davis, A. Information literacy and the digital natives = bridging the gap. 

Szurmak, J. & Peterson, A. Growing instruction programs in LOAM, a tool facilitating the scaffolding of information literacy skills.

Thompson, C., Westera, G. & Esfahani, B. Developing literacy in an oral culture.

Thomson, L. Developing an information literacy community of practice in Scotland.

Thull, J. The Tribal College Librarians Institute: making connections with the underserved (pecha kucha).

Tong, C., Etkind, A. & Thomas, S. First steps to success! Delivering online subject information skills at the University of Hertfordshire (poster).

Tonning, A.S.V. & Rullestad, T. Integrating information literacy within the university curriculum: cooperation between the University of Bergen Library (UBL) and the Centre for University Pedagogy (UniPed).

Torras, M. & Blaabjerg, N.J. Professionalising the educational role of the information literacy practitioner: reaching out to students and academic staff.

Turner, N., Braaksma, B., Dakshinamurti, G. & De Jaeger, A. Testing conventional wisdom with evidence-based management: the role of information literacy.

Tyron, J. Using faculty focus groups to assess information literacy core competencies at a university level.

Walsh, A. QR codes - using mobile 'phones to deliver library instruction and help at the point of need.

Walton, E. & Barnes, C. Online subject guides - introducing Web 2.0 to subject web pages at the University of Sussex (poster).

Walton, G. Demolishing the seven pillars: a warning from research.

Walton, G. & Pope, A. Having a shufti: using student focus group findings to map unchartered territory in the information literacy landscape.

Weetman DaCosta, J. & Dubicki, E. Using weapons of mass collaboration to implode information literacy into the curriculum.

Whitworth, A. An evaluation of a course located in the relational frame of IL.

Widdicombe, K. Cog-ignition: the development of learning objects to support teaching and learning at UCA (pecha kucha).

Widdicombe, K. & Gundry, L. An introduction to research for creative arts students: visual research methods and information literacy.

Williams, C. Changing user behaviour on the web - what does this mean for the development of online information literacy tools?

Wolf, C. Changing one of the vehicles for information literacy.

Present @ LILAC

LILAC is great opportunity for our fellow professionals to present their ideas, share best practice and show case new thinking in our sector. If you have an idea then we'd love to hear about it. We have many options for the types of sessions you might run from a symposium to a workshop. Visit our Call for Presentations page to find out how to apply.

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Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025

Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025