A selection of photos from the conference can be found on our flickr. You can also download a copy of our full programme complete with abstracts.
Nicola Whitton (Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University) & Alex Moseley (University of Leicester) - What can play do for you?
Char Booth (California State University San Marcos) - Why reflect? The holistic practice of stepping back
James Clay (Jisc) - Building digital capability in the library
Alcock, E. & Rose, K. (2016). Find the gap: evaluating library instruction reach using syllabi. Journal of Information Literacy, 10(1), pp.86-98. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.11645/10.1.2038 (Accessed: 14 June 2016).
Bedford, D. (2016). Reflecting on LILAC #lilac16 [Online]. Available at: https://liblearnteach.wordpress.com/2016/03/26/reflecting-on-lilac-lilac16/ (Accessed: 31 March 2016).
Bell, D. (2016). LILAC 2016: Leabharlannan, Learning & Leprechauns [Online]. Available at: https://blogs.city.ac.uk/developingatcity/2016/03/31/lilac-2016-leabharlannan-learning-leprechauns/ (Accessed: 31 March 2016).
Burnett, E. (2016). Lilac Linings Playbook [Online]. Available at: http://thelibrarianidentity.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/lilac-linings-playbook.html (Accessed: 12 April 2016).
Clay, J. (2016). Building digital capability in the library [Online]. Available at: https://digitalcapability.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2016/03/31/building-digital-capability-in-the-library/ (Accessed: 6 April 2016).
Gandour, A. (2016). Sketchnoting my way through #lilac16 [Online]. Available at: http://andbookswillfly.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/sketchnoting-lilac16.html (Accessed: 1 April 2016).
Haigh, J. (2016). LILAC, thoughts and reflections [Online]. Available at: https://jesshaigh.wordpress.com/2016/03/30/lilac-thoughts-and-reflections/ (Accessed: 31 March 2016).
Haigh, J. (2016). LILAC day 1 [Online]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVZwBKIdd48&feature=youtu.be (Accessed: 6 April 2016).
Haigh, J. (2016). LILAC day 2 [Online]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQNDFPbvh6E&nohtml5=False (Accessed: 6 April 2016).
Haigh, J. (2016). LILAC day 3 [Online]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ETnW4TsYks&nohtml5=False (Accessed: 6 April 2016).
HSMC Library (2016). Mission Impossible? # LILACMI (Storify) [Online]. Available at: https://storify.com/HSMC_Library/mission-impossible (Accessed: 6 April 2016).
KnowNetScotland (2016). #LILAC16 (Storify) [Online]. Available at: https://storify.com/KnowNetScotland/lilac16 (Accessed: 12 June 2016).
MacMillan, M. (2016). #LILAC140 - 140 characters in search of a purpose at LILAC 2016 (Storify) [Online]. Available at: https://storify.com/margymaclibrary/lilac140-140-characters-in-search-of-a-purpose (Accessed: 6 April 2016).
Rippon, A. (2016). #citylis Student Perspectives: Amy Rippon at LILAC [Online]. Available at: https://blogs.city.ac.uk/citylis/2016/04/11/citylis-student-perspectives-amy-rippon-at-lilac/#.Vw0YSHqjtFt (Accessed: 12 April 2016).
Secker, J. (2016). Lessons from LILAC 16 [Online]. Available at: https://janesecker.wordpress.com/2016/04/04/lessons-from-lilac-16/ (Accessed: 5 April 2016).
Walsh, A. (2016). A quick LILAC 2016 reflection [Online]. Available at: http://gamesforlibraries.blogspot.co.uk/2016/03/a-quick-lilac-2016-reflection.html (Accessed: 31 March 2016).
Woods, L. (2016). Reflections from LILAC 2016 [Online]. Available at: https://woodsiegirl.wordpress.com/2016/04/01/reflections-from-lilac-2016/ (Accessed: 4 April 2016).
Appleton, L. & Staddon, E. Academic support teaching and learning development programme at the University of the Arts London.
Arif, S. & Martzoukou, K. No social media please, we are researchers.
Baird, I., Porritt, F. & Lumb, E. Peer to peer part 2: a follow up study of students' information literacy development using a student researcher.
Ballard, K. The CRAP! Game. (Lagadothon)
Bedford, D. Using professional standards to inform information literacy work.
Bedford, N. A Flying Start to higher education study.
Bell, D. Expert engagement: practical researcher digital literacy provision at City.
Bell, R. Digilab.
Benjes Small, C. & Mickle, A. Integrating information literacy into a team-based learning course.
Bentley, E., Pavey, S., Todd, S., Shaper, S. & Webb, C. Effective partnerships with schools? Essential knowledge for successful outreach.
Bentley, S. & Latham, M. Stepping it up: supporting research IL.
Berman, E. & Hensley, M. Perceptions & understandings of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy. (& handout)
Brown, M., Ward, S. & Margolin, S. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? What can students learn asking questions about comics?
Bury, S., Craig. D. & Shujah, S. Celebrating undergraduate research at York University: insights on students' information literacy skills and future directions for instruction.
Butler, E., Ayre, L. & DaCosta, J. Defining delivery (@ Derby): upgrading support for online learners.
Carbery, A., Godwin, L. & Cottrell, J. Appreciative inquiry - strengths-based approach to information literacy instruction.
Carbery, A. & Leahy, S. "Are they learning?" Building a longitudinal model of information literacy assessment.
Carlock, D. Using screen-capture technology to understand health information seeking behaviors and assess e-health literacy.
Conlan, R., Evans, C., Jewell, H. & Mocanu, A. Working together to make something new: developing a programme of peer-led outreach.
Coonan, E. "If you can't be kind, be scholarly". Constructive peer reviewing.
Coonan, E. Publication without tears; tips for aspiring authors.
Courtney, M. & Donovan, C. Confidence, frustration, and worry: the role of emotions in student learning & research.
Dalal, H. The information literacy of college students: gender influences on information source selection.
Deitering, A. & Gascho Rempel, H. Does the research paper kill curiosity? Collaborating with faculty to support learning and exploration.
Dore, L. & McSharry, B. All aboard! Enabling and empowering staff & students to flourish in the digital age.
Dunne, S. What can a User eXperience (UX) approach tell us about the undergraduate research process?
Dunne, S. & MacMillan, M. Information use in natural habitats: a comparative study of graduates in the work place in Ireland & Canada.
Evans, C. & Conlan, R. Student engagement through peer-led outreach and collaboration.
Fahey, C. & Isuster, M.Y. Playing for keeps: game design and implementation for long-term learning.
Falcone, A. & Ellis, L. Communicating value through student learning assessment.
Flaccavento, M. Student2Scholar: rethinking online learning using the ACRL's new Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education.
Gandour, A. Lowering students' anxiety during information skills training with active learning.
Goldstein, S. & Bent, M. A graduate employability lens for the SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy.
Grant, V. & Stokes, C. Developing a collaborative vision, strategy and offer for information and digital literacy in your institution.
Groves, A. Library Vines: developing information literacy six seconds at a time.
Head, A. What happens after graduating from university?
Hickey, P. Are we there yet?
Hynes, J. & Webster, L. Adjusting academic expectations: improving self-confidence in international postgraduate students.
Inskip, C. Information literacy in LIS education: exploring the practitioner view.
Jefferson, C. Business Library Resources Jeopardy Game. (Lagadothon)
Jefferson, C. Framing the ACRL information literacy threshold concepts in a credit-bearing business research methods course.
Kennedy, C. & Foley, D. Across the borders: a bespoke pilot library programme for international students attending Waterford Institute of Technology in collaboration with the international office.
Kerr, N., Chatten, Z. & Thompson, E. All you need to startup is KnowHow: creating a scalable information literacy programme at the University of Liverpool.
Kessinger, P. What are you looking for?
King, J. & Kahn, R. 10 am in Sheffield, 6 pm in Kuala Lumpur? Delivery and promotion of information literacy skills to transnational students. (& handout)
Leahy, S. & Carbery, A. From traditional to critical: embracing critical pedagogy in instructional design.
MacCallum, L. Trials and tribulations: adopting the ACRL Framework at a small academic library.
MacMillan, M. 140 characters in search of a purpose: integrating twitter into IL and IL into twitter.
McCormack, B. "New" ideas for "old" texts: delivering information literacy sessions using clay tablets.
Mogg, R. & Morgan, F. Beyond the ivory tower: community engagement and student transition to university.
Morrison, C. & Secker, J. The Publishing Trap: an interactive game to allow postgraduate students and researchers to consider the implications of traditional, recent and emerging academic publishing models. (Lagadothon)
Mullins, K. Great IDEA: an instructional design model for integrating information literacy.
O'Donovan, N., Ronan, S. & Rowan, C. Rudai 23: Using Social Media for Teaching and Learning. (Interactive poster)
Pacheco, J. Better Informed Bibliography (BIB) Game. (Lagadothon)
Pavey, S. Creating an Essay Jigsaw Puzzle. (Lagadothon)
Payne, D., Lawson, S., Gallagher, J. & Smith, L. Censoring the web: mapping content filtering in UK public libraries.
Pickard, A., Walton, G., Dobbs, L. & Hepworth, M. Road mapping the digital jungle.
Posaner, R. & Green, E. Mission impossible? How a team of 4 staff delivered information literacy support from a distance to 1500 students.
Radbourne, C., Paterson, F. & Atkinson, J. Creating an online treasure hunt for your library users.
Reid, W. All for One!
Reilly, P. Creative techniques to engage students deeper.
Russell, P. & Ryder, G. Peer support for the development of information and digital literacy skills at the Institute of Technology Tallaght.
Russell, P., McGuinness, C. Burns, J. & O'Brien, E. Library Association of Ireland Task Force on Information Literacy (TFIL): challenges and new directions.
Secker, J. & Delaney, M. Librarians as doctoral researchers: opportunities and challenges when practicing librarians become researchers.
Secker, J. & Morrison, C. Copyright literacy in the UK: tackling anxiety through learning and games.
Singleton, H. & Jones, P. Masters of the UniVerse!
Tewell, E. & Angell, K. Teaching and un-teaching authority: evaluating sources in the critical library classroom.
Tewell, E., Tomlin, N. & Mullins, K. What actually happens: an ethnographic investigation of student library use.
Towlson, K. Exploring the need: re-examining our information literacy offer.
Tran, N., Rigby, M. & Zeidman-Karpinski, A. The students run the session: hands-off one-shots with a library game.
Tuohy, F. LIST Online - Information Literacy Support for MU Students. (Interactive poster)
Umetsubo, Y. Art historical theories and practices can strengthen pedagogical approaches to information literacy instruction.
Verlander, P. & Kennedy, J. Assessing information literacy attainment - creating a portable integrative assessment for use across early undergraduate curricula.
Walker, J., Laws, S., Mussleman, P. & Verjee, M. Using interactive narrative to drive student learning.
Walsh, A. Escaping the induction... (Lagadothon)
Walsh, A. & Haigh, J. Transform-IT: on the magic roundabout of skills.
Walton, G., Childs, M. & Hetherington, J. AMORES: An Approach to Motivating learners to Read in European Schools - digital literacy in action.
Wiley, C., Houlihan, M. & Click, A.B. Bridging the international divide: a systematic review of international students and information literacy.
Wilkins, L. & Langley, L. Introducing information literacy through EPQ support: the development of the University of Bristol Library's school engagement programme.
Wright, E. Turning them loose: increasing student engagement in information literacy activities.
LILAC is great opportunity for our fellow professionals to present their ideas, share best practice and show case new thinking in our sector. If you have an idea then we'd love to hear about it. We have many options for the types of sessions you might run from a symposium to a workshop. Visit our Call for Presentations page to find out how to apply.
Places at this year's conference are likely to be in demand more than ever before. Each year our conference grows increasingly popular and this year promises to be no different. Don't miss out and book your place now for this year's conference.
We look forward to seeing you there!