Parallel Sessions (indexed by lead author), including links to presentations and videos (where available).
You can also download a copy of our full programme complete with abstracts.
The FestivIL by LILAC website is still available online, as is our FestivIL channel on YouTube for all pre-recorded video content.
Emily Drabinski (Interim Chief Librarian, Mina Rees Library, Graduate Center, CUNY) - Teaching the radical catalog (watch online)
Alison Hicks, Maud Cooper, Sae Matsuno, Eva Pickersgill, David Smith, Grace Troth (UCL Department of Information Studies) - Black Lives Matter, Brexit and Covid-19: Information literacy in a post-2020 world (watch online)
Barbara Fister (Project Information Literacy) - Information Literacy in the QAnon Era (watch online)
Bedford, D. Approaching student confidence using a "traffic light" tool.
Britton, S. Object-based learning without the objects? Special collections teaching in the COVID-19 era.
Carey, A. Enhancing student engagement in an online teaching environment.
Costoff-Diaz, A. & Rodes, V. Accessible digital libraries: information literacy for inclusion.
Dalal, H., Taylor, A. & Whitfield, S. Information literacy and Gen Z.
Dalton, S. & Andre, D. Using active learning and playfulness to address threshold concepts in online and face to face information literacy teaching: improving student learning and understanding.
Dormer, C. Speaking the same language: teachers’ perceptions of information literacy.
Frith, L. & Webb, S. Killer cats and flying penguins: developing bespoke and engaging Fake News workshops and webinars that remain relevant.
Gschwandtner, M. Embedding digital capabilities in the curriculum of a new medical school.
Hafeez, S. Wait a sec-ondment! Some reflections on information literacy, inclusivity, and invisible barriers.
Haworth, A. Reflections on collaborative working across boundaries: innovative approaches to information and digital fluency.
Hicks, A. Deactivating learning: a critique of active learning.
Highton, M. Hindsight 2020.
Hunter, R. Can you teach research in 10 minutes?
Jenkins, C. Developing digital health information literacy: training digital health champions.
Kassem, H., Williamson, B. & Leurs, G. Making online information literacy teaching engaging, interactive and accessible.
Loewen, H. & Rothney, J. Information literacy skills development from student to healthcare professional: results from a longitudinal survey.
Marsh, F. Unsettling information literacy: an investigation of academic researchers’ responses to critical information literacy in the context of decolonising the curriculum. (watch video online; download presentation)
McAndrew, E. Learning to become an online editor:Wikipedia as a teaching & learning environment. (download presentation; download Wikipedia toolkit)
McAndrew, E. Witchy Wikidata -In which/witch Wikidata brings magic to information literacy for a spell.
Mickel, B. & Wolnick, M. Using Wikipedia and the ACRL framework to jumpstart students’ information literacy engagement.
Narewska, E. Make it real: effective news literacy in primary settings. (watch video online; download presentation)
Nicholls, J. Striving for impact: can contextualised e-learning successfully develop students information literacy?
Parkin, C. & Carney, K. Harnessing the power of peer support to enhance professional practice.
Pope, A. & Adams, J. Lost in paradise: reviewing students level of information literacy at an organisational level.
Pullinger, D., Liu, J. & Hicks, A. Step Up to Masters: supporting the academic skills transition for taught postgraduate students.
Pyman, H. Copyright Dough: an interactive workshop based around a new copyright game.
Richards, A. & Skinner, N. Cutting the CRAAP: Revising our teaching to ensure effective critical engagement with information sources.
Secker, J. Copyright, information literacy and criticality.
Sobel, K. & Evans, L. Emotional labor among information literacy librarians during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Webber, S. Developing a research agenda for information literacy.
Yap, J. & Manabat, A. Are we in-sync? Students’ virtual library experience with subject librarians during pandemic.
We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Leading Light Award is…
Hazel Roome (University of Derby).
Here are a few words from our winner;
“Thank you so much for this award and to those who voted for me — it was very unexpected! The Night of the Hungry Hungry Robot was a collaborative effort between the library and our University of Derby Online (UDOL) department and the result is a great resource which impacts the student experience at the University of Derby. More importantly, it helps facilitate information literacy development and usage of our online resources. I am very proud to receive this award and be part of such an amazing project.”
Hazel donated her prize to Cancer Research UK.
Congratulations Hazel!
LILAC is great opportunity for our fellow professionals to present their ideas, share best practice and show case new thinking in our sector. If you have an idea then we'd love to hear about it. We have many options for the types of sessions you might run from a symposium to a workshop. Visit our Call for Presentations page to find out how to apply.
Places at this year's conference are likely to be in demand more than ever before. Each year our conference grows increasingly popular and this year promises to be no different. Don't miss out and book your place now for this year's conference.
We look forward to seeing you there!