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LILAC 2015

LILAC 2015 was hosted by Newcastle University, and took place on 8th-10th April 2015.

On this page you will find details of:

A selection of photos from the conference can be found on our flickr.

Keynote speakers:

Ray Land, (Durham University) - ‘There could be trouble ahead’. Threshold Concepts, Troublesome Knowledge and Information Literacy – a current debate.

Julia Jones (for Tom Wilson; UnionLearn) - Information Literacy and Trade Unions (audio only).

Barbara Fister (Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota) - The Liminal Library: Making Our Libraries Sites of Transformative Learning. The transcript of Barbara’s talk is available online.


The themes for LILAC 2015 were:

  • Creative approaches to IL (sponsored by Moira Bent, Jo Webb, Chris Powis, Andrew Walsh & Dave Parkes from the Association of National Teaching Fellows)
  • IL for under 18s
  • IL and employability (sponsored by Aberystwyth University)
  • Delivering IL through new technologies (sponsored by York St John University)
  • Research based IL (sponsored by The University of Sheffield)
  • Outreach and collaboration

Conference Reports:

Albury, J. (2015). LILAC (Information Literacy) Conference 2015 – a student’s perspective. MSc Information Management at UWE Bristol [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 22 June 2015).

Asman, A. (2015). LILAC 2015 – Conference Report. Developing@City [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 11 May 2015).

Bell, D. (2015). LILAC Conference 2015. Developing@City [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2015).

Chamley, J. (2015). LILAC sponsored place: event write up. ALRG North East Blog [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 7 May 2015).

Cormie, V. (2015). LILAC 2015. Storify [Online]. Available at:, and (Accessed: 13 April 2015).

Dunn, P. (2015). #C8A2C8 2015. Lady Pen Land [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 24 April 2015).

Fister, B. (2015). “A bit of a tall order”.  Library Babel Fish [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 13 April 2015).

Gray, P. (2015). LILAC 2015. Storify [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 13 April 2015).

Øvern, K.M. (2015). LILAC15: Day 1. Karen Marie Øvern: a blog about academic librarianship and more [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2015).

Øvern, K.M. (2015). LILAC15: Day 2. Karen Marie Øvern: a blog about academic librarianship and more [Online]. Available at: (Accessed:23 April 2015).

Øvern, K.M. (2015). LILAC15: Day 3. Karen Marie Øvern: a blog about academic librarianship and more [Online]. Available at: (Accessed:23 April 2015).

Rowell, C. (2015). Credo Reference Digital Award for Information Literacy 2015. ALT Newsletter [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 28 April 2015).

Sakarya, B. (2015). ‘Troublesome knowledge’. Newsam News [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 14 April 2015).

Tattersall, A. (2015). Research Hacks at LILAC 2015. ScHARR Information Resources Blog [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2015).

Papers & Posters:

Alcock, E. & Rose, K. Find the gap: mapping and evaluating library instruction using syllabi.

Archer, A., Ghee, J. & Archer, D. Using live mobile polling (Poll Everywhere) to engage students in information literacy (teachmeet).

Aston, S. & DaCosta, J. How to create a perfect LILAC blossom.

Badger, I. & Dixon-Smith, S. Using collaboration and past essays to improve research, reading, writing and referencing skills (teachmeet).

Baird, I., Porritt, F. & Lumb, E. Peer-to-peer: involving a student researcher to uncover students' real information seeking behaviours.

Bean, E. Embedding information literacy into second level school curriculum: experiences of Maynooth University.

Bell, D., Asman, A., Halford, S. & Radbourne, C. Creating student-centred employability resources at City University Library.

Bird, S. & Johnston, G. Online IL with Percy the Penguin!

Blake, J. Using data to bridge the gap: data gathering, collaboration and skills support.

Blanchett, H., Ashes, L., Stevenson, C. & Young, L. “Hunting assumptions”: encouraging creativity and critical reflection through collaboration

Bradshaw, K. New horizons: taking information literacy teaching from the classroom to the MOOC.

Casserly, T. & Breen, D. Serendipitous outcomes: student perceptions of collaborative research in an undergraduate writing class.

Coles, K. Using Socrative polls in IL teaching (teachmeet).

Coles, K. Web-scale discovery in the arts: Royal Holloway’s first year undergraduates and academics feed back (poster).

Coonan, E. & McCarthy, L. Publication without tears: tips for aspiring authors.

Cumbridge, M., Morgan, J. & Ellis-Reese, K. Inspire to enquire: creative techniques for creative students.

Dare, J. Journals and the Job Market: developing a workshop for university students (teachmeet).

Dobson, J., Taylor, D. & Davies, A. Curiouser and curiouser. How curriculum change can inspire a creative approach to information skills development.

Dott, E. & Davis, A. Culture collisions (teachmeet).

Dove, C. & Nicholas, S. Let your passion be your guide: embedding through content, not context (video also available).

Falconer, J. Moodle in Mozambique: delivering information literacy instruction to postgraduate medical students at a distance.

Farrow, E. Building capacity: sharing INASP’s approach to information literacy training.

Flynn, D. ‘We need to talk about differentiation’; creating an individualised learning experience within an IL program (see also the IL Differentiation Toolkit)

Goldstein, S., Inskip, C., Secker, J. & Walton, G. Making IL relevant in employment settings (also available with audio). 

Groves, A. Creating the empowered e-book user: uncovering new aspects of student behaviour to inform skills teaching.

Halfpenny, S. & Brown, D. Working collaboratively to map and develop digital literacy provision.

Hsieh, M.L., McManimon, S. & Yang, S. I-LEARN and its impact: an experimental study (poster).

Inskip, C. What is workplace information literacy? A comparison of views from the chalkface and the workplace.

Jacobson, T. & O’Brien, K. Developing a digital badging system for metaliteracy.

Jefferson, J. & Earp, V. Engaging first year students: a multi-faceted approach (teachmeet).

Latham, M. & Ewen, M. Reaching the masses: the evolution of IL delivery at The University of Hull.

Lawler, E. & Cooper, H. The IVF of IL – how to conceive with the right partner at Macquarie University Library.

Lawler, E. & Jones, F. The Producers : Rethinking roles to create an in-Library production team (teachmeet).

Logan, B. & Groves, A. Collaborate to innovate: developing a digital literacies programme for the whole academic community.

McCluskey, C. 10 days of RefWorks (teachmeet).

McCluskey, C. & Watt, V. Academic Integrity: a pilot for a compulsory module for all new starters at York St John University.

McCormack, B. Approaches to using archival and special collections in information literacy programmes: experiences at Maynooth University.

McCready, R. & Webb, A. Digital literacy provision across the sector - UCISA benchmarking survey results and feedback.

Mitchell, E., Graham, N., Secker, J., Kelt, M., Zazani, E., Sieber, V., Pietsch, A., Mogg, R. & Howard, H. CoPILOT: the impact of a community of practice (poster).

Moody, J. Greenhousing for IL: letting good ideas grow (teachmeet).

Morley, K. How do you trick children to become more digitally literate? With zombies of course!

Murray, L. & Lockheart, G. “Sudden a thought came like a full-blown rose” – reconsidering information literacy at King’s College London (poster).

Newall, E. & Allen, R. Critical friends: bringing teaching and learning support teams together to define the university academic development strategy.

Newton, A. Lecture capture: creating and sharing learning resources made outside of the lecture theatre (teachmeet).

Nijhoff, C. Interactive learning in library inductions at University for the Creative Arts (teachmeet).

O'Hearn, M., Jennings, S., Zhimbiev, T., Brown, V. & Hills-Nova, C. A picture’s worth: visual literacy as a key component of information literacy.

Pal, J., Goatman, A. & Hynes, J. Feeding the 500: introducing information literacy to first year business & management undergraduate students.

Pavey, S. What does independent learning feel like?

Pickard, A., Cole, B., Oldfield, F. & Traill, S. Preparing for ‘Digital by Default’ – Newcastle City Council staff information and digital literacy initiative.

Preest, K., Kuhn, I., Reid, C. & Cronin, R. Peer supported learning development of teaching skills - a Cambridge collaboration.

Roberts, E., Barker, H. & Lambe, S. Bridging the gap - an outreach project.

Sales, N. Now you see me. Now you don’t (poster).

Schneider, M. & Easy, A. Learning to experiment.

Secker, J., Coonan, E., Hensley, M.K., McNicol, S. & Shields, E. Information literacy: the relevance of theories and models on practice (also available with audio).

Sellwood, R. & Connell, A. Information, research & the digital world.

Shelley, J. & Weist, A. Using a peer to peer facilitation model to build information literacy skills: the NICE/Anglia Ruskin partnership.

Siddall, G. Don't hide your skills 'under a bushel': librarians and our own employability.

Skeen, N. Assessing learning for ‘one-shot’ teaching sessions (poster).

Skeen, N. Working with schools - The Hive as the public face of HE.

Stewart, C. Blogging along: using research blogs to teach information literacy and critical thinking in the creative arts.

Tattersall, A. iTunes U and YouTube – creating visual content collections to aid information literacy (teachmeet).

Tilley, E. & Murphy, H. Let me tell you a story...

Todorinova, L. Wikipedia as a vehicle for information literacy instruction (also available with audio).

Turner, D. Augmented reality, avatars and paper hats: engaging students in their learning.

Vong, S. & Lui, V. Situating students in the scholarly conversation: poster sessions as a pedagogical tool for teaching IL threshold concepts.

Walker, M. One event to bring them all – collaboration with internal training providers to bring a holistic approach to the information literacy needs of researchers.

Walton, G., Gröppel-Wegener, A. & Raven, L. The Fishscale of Academicness: the use of visual metaphor for evaluating information.

Walton, G. & Johnston, E. Can an information literacy teaching intervention promote self-efficacy in learners?

Walton, G. & Pickard, A. Extending digital literacy to survive misinformation support empowered citizenship.

Webb, C. How can we raise information literacy levels in the secondary school?

Wheeler, E. & McKinney, P. Teaching or training? Academic librarians' conceptions of their IL activities.

White, J., Carnegie, M. & Canham, D. “Those flipping library sessions!” A workshop on designing flipped classroom sessions.

Wilhelmsson, H., Magnusson, J., Zaar, J., Vall, M. & Erlandson, T. Students as co-creators of education in seeking, collecting and valuing information – development of methods for higher student participation (poster).

Wilson, J. & Howard, E. Talking tablets: piloting skills building through collaboration.

Wilson, R. & McWilliam, R. Once upon a time: going back to the roots of information literacy (teachmeet).

Woods, E. & Coles, K. Creative IL embedding at Royal Holloway, University of London (poster).

Young, L. & Purvis, K. ‘All the shapes your learning takes’: the development of a Library Welcome Toolkit.

Present @ LILAC

LILAC is great opportunity for our fellow professionals to present their ideas, share best practice and show case new thinking in our sector. If you have an idea then we'd love to hear about it. We have many options for the types of sessions you might run from a symposium to a workshop. Visit our Call for Presentations page to find out how to apply.

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Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025